jueves, 15 de octubre de 2009

En días inspirados (XVII)

Mis internacionales están inspirados estos días... Aquí va una digna de finlandés. No sé si es que son todos así de egocéntricos o es que me junto con lo mejor de cada casa.

(Miércoles 14-10-09)

- Pinkie: What's the matter with you Finns that all of you think about being gods?
- Dr. Awsome (His Highness, King of Herwood): Well, it's the only step up from being a Finn and one must have goals in life.


My internationals feel inspired these days... Here you have one sentence that only a Finn could say. I don't really know if all of them are so self-centered of if I spend my time with the best samples.

(Wednesday 14-10-09)

- Pinkie: What's the matter with you Finns that all of you think about being gods?
- Dr. Awsome (His Highness, King of Herwood): Well, it's the only step up from being a Finn and one must have goals in life.

domingo, 11 de octubre de 2009

En días inspirados (XVI)

Primera entrada internacional en esta sección del blog. Demos gracias a mi querido "Fucking Belgian Guy" por su aportación :)

(Estocolmo. Viernes 1-10-09)
Después de un día entero soltando las peores bromas de la historia.

- The Belgian Guy: I like the environment. That's why I'm recycling my jokes.

First international entry in the "Some inspired days" section of the blog. Thanks to my beloved "Fucking Belgian Guy" for his contribution.

(Stockholm. Friday 1-10-09)
After a whole day full of the worst jokes ever.

- The Belgian Guy: I like the environment. That's why I'm recycling my jokes.